锘縤f (typeof dnn === 'undefined') dnn = {}; dnn.controlBar = dnn.controlBar || {}; dnn.controlBar.init = function (settings) { //add by ying //淇鍦ㄦ湭寮€鍚脊鍑烘鍔熻兘鏃朵細寮曞彂鑴氭湰閿欒 function dnnModalShow(href) { if (href) { if (typeof (dnnModal) != "undefined") { dnnModal.show(href + '?popUp=true', true, 550, 950, true, ''); } else { location.href = href; } } } dnn.controlBar.selectedModule = null; dnn.controlBar.addNewModule = true; dnn.controlBar.addingModule = false; dnn.controlBar.addModuleDataVar = null; dnn.controlBar.isMouseDown = false; dnn.controlBar.hideModuleLocationMenu = true; dnn.controlBar.showSelectedModule = false; dnn.controlBar.status = null; dnn.controlBar.getService = function () { return $.dnnSF(); }; dnn.controlBar.getServiceUrl = function (service) { service = service || dnn.controlBar.getService(); return service.getServiceRoot('internalservices') + 'controlbar/'; }; dnn.controlBar.saveStatus = function () { var categoryComboVal = $find(settings.categoryComboId).get_value(); var siteComboVal = $find(settings.portalComboId).get_value(); var pageComboVal = $find(settings.pageComboId).get_value(); var visibilityComboVal = $find(settings.visibilityComboId).get_value(); var persistValue = [dnn.controlBar.addNewModule, categoryComboVal, siteComboVal, pageComboVal, visibilityComboVal].join('|'); dnn.dom.setCookie('ControlBarInitStatus', persistValue); dnn.controlBar.status = null; }; dnn.controlBar.loadStatus = function () { var persistValue = dnn.dom.getCookie('ControlBarInitStatus'); if (persistValue) { var persits = persistValue.split('|'); dnn.controlBar.status = { addNewModule: persits[0] == 'true', category: persits[1], site: persits[2], page: persits[3], visibility: persits[4] }; } else { dnn.controlBar.status = null; } dnn.dom.setCookie('ControlBarInitStatus', '', -1); }; dnn.controlBar.removeStatus = function () { dnn.controlBar.status = null; dnn.dom.setCookie('ControlBarInitStatus', '', -1); }; dnn.controlBar.responseError = function (xhr) { if (xhr) { if (xhr.status == '401') { //dnnModal.show(settings.loginUrl + '?popUp=true', true, 300, 650, true, ''); dnnModalShow(settings.loginUrl);//add by ying } } }; dnn.controlBar.getBookmarkItems = function (ul) { var items = []; $('li', ul).each(function () { var tabname = $(this).data('tabname'); if (tabname) items.push(tabname); }); return items.join(','); }; dnn.controlBar.saveBookmark = function (title, ul) { var service = dnn.controlBar.getService(); var serviceUrl = dnn.controlBar.getServiceUrl(service); var bookmark = dnn.controlBar.getBookmarkItems(ul); $.ajax({ url: serviceUrl + 'SaveBookmark', type: 'POST', data: { Title: title, Bookmark: bookmark }, beforeSend: service.setModuleHeaders, success: function () { }, error: function (xhr) { dnn.controlBar.responseError(xhr); } }); }; dnn.controlBar.setModuleListLoading = function (containerId, hideLoading, showNoResultMessage) { var loadingContainer = $(containerId); var messageContainer = loadingContainer.prev(); var listContainer = loadingContainer.next(); var scrollContainer = listContainer.next(); if (hideLoading) { if (showNoResultMessage) { listContainer.hide(); scrollContainer.hide(); loadingContainer.hide(); messageContainer.show(); $('p.ControlBar_ModuleListMessage_InitialMessage', messageContainer).hide(); $('p.ControlBar_ModuleListMessage_NoResultMessage', messageContainer).show(); } else { listContainer.show(); scrollContainer.show(); loadingContainer.hide(); messageContainer.hide(); } } else { listContainer.hide(); scrollContainer.hide(); loadingContainer.show(); messageContainer.hide(); } }; dnn.controlBar.getDesktopModulesForNewModule = function (category) { var service = dnn.controlBar.getService(); var serviceUrl = dnn.controlBar.getServiceUrl(service); dnn.controlBar.setModuleListLoading('#ControlBar_ModuleListWaiter_NewModule'); $.ajax({ url: serviceUrl + 'GetPortalDesktopModules', type: 'GET', data: 'category=' + category, beforeSend: service.setModuleHeaders, success: function (d) { if (d && d.length) { dnn.controlBar.setModuleListLoading('#ControlBar_ModuleListWaiter_NewModule', true); var containerId = '#ControlBar_ModuleListHolder_NewModule'; dnn.controlBar.renderModuleList(containerId, d); } else { dnn.controlBar.setModuleListLoading('#ControlBar_ModuleListWaiter_NewModule', true, true); } }, error: function (xhr) { dnn.controlBar.responseError(xhr); } }); }; dnn.controlBar.getTabModules = function (tab) { var service = dnn.controlBar.getService(); var serviceUrl = dnn.controlBar.getServiceUrl(service); dnn.controlBar.setModuleListLoading('#ControlBar_ModuleListWaiter_ExistingModule'); $.ajax({ url: serviceUrl + 'GetTabModules', type: 'GET', data: 'tab=' + tab, beforeSend: service.setModuleHeaders, success: function (d) { if (d && d.length) { dnn.controlBar.setModuleListLoading('#ControlBar_ModuleListWaiter_ExistingModule', true); var containerId = '#ControlBar_ModuleListHolder_ExistingModule'; dnn.controlBar.renderModuleList(containerId, d); } else { dnn.controlBar.setModuleListLoading('#ControlBar_ModuleListWaiter_ExistingModule', true, true); } }, error: function (xhr) { dnn.controlBar.responseError(xhr); } }); }; dnn.controlBar.getPageList = function (portal) { var messageContainer = $('#ControlBar_ModuleListMessage_ExistingModule'); var loadingContainer = messageContainer.next(); var listContainer = loadingContainer.next(); var scrollContainer = listContainer.next(); messageContainer.show(); loadingContainer.hide(); listContainer.hide(); scrollContainer.hide(); $('p.ControlBar_ModuleListMessage_InitialMessage', messageContainer).show(); $('p.ControlBar_ModuleListMessage_NoResultMessage', messageContainer).hide(); if (!portal) { var combo = $find(settings.pageComboId); combo.clearItems(); var comboItem = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItem(); comboItem.set_text(settings.selectPageText); comboItem.set_value(""); combo.get_items().add(comboItem); comboItem.select(); return; } var service = dnn.controlBar.getService(); var serviceUrl = dnn.controlBar.getServiceUrl(service); $.ajax({ url: serviceUrl + 'GetPageList', type: 'GET', data: 'portal=' + portal, beforeSend: service.setModuleHeaders, success: function (d) { var combo = $find(settings.pageComboId); combo.clearItems(); var comboItem = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItem(); comboItem.set_text(settings.selectPageText); comboItem.set_value(""); combo.get_items().add(comboItem); comboItem.select(); for (var i = 0; i < d.length; i++) { var txt = d[i].IndentedTabName; var val = d[i].TabID; comboItem = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItem(); comboItem.set_text(txt); comboItem.set_value(val); combo.get_items().add(comboItem); } if (dnn.controlBar.status && !dnn.controlBar.status.addNewModule && dnn.controlBar.status.page) { combo.findItemByValue(dnn.controlBar.status.page).select(); dnn.controlBar.getTabModules(dnn.controlBar.status.page); } }, error: function (xhr) { dnn.controlBar.responseError(xhr); } }); }; dnn.controlBar.addModule = function (module, page, pane, position, sort, visibility, addExistingModule, copyModule, title/*add by yyj 娣诲姞妯″潡鏍囬*/) { var dataVar = { Module: module, Page: page, Pane: pane, Position: position, Sort: sort, Visibility: visibility, AddExistingModule: addExistingModule, CopyModule: copyModule, ModuleTitle: title //add by yyj }; var sharing = (dnn.getVar('moduleSharing') || 'false') == 'true'; if (sharing && !dnn.controlBar.addNewModule) { var selectedPortalId = $find(settings.portalComboId).get_value(); var selectedTabId = page; var selectedModuleId = module; var parameters = { ModuleId: selectedModuleId, TabId: selectedTabId, PortalId: selectedPortalId }; var moduleShareableUrl = $.dnnSF().getServiceRoot('internalservices') + 'ModuleService/GetModuleShareable'; $.ajax({ url: moduleShareableUrl, type: 'GET', async: false, data: parameters, success: function (m) { if (!m) { dnn.controlBar.addingModule = false; return; } if (m.RequiresWarning) { dnn.controlBar.popupShareableWarning(); dnn.controlBar.addModuleDataVar = dataVar; } else { dnn.controlBar.doAddModule(dataVar); } }, error: function (xhr) { dnn.controlBar.addingModule = false; dnn.controlBar.responseError(xhr); } }); } else { dnn.controlBar.doAddModule(dataVar); } }; dnn.controlBar.doAddModule = function (dataVar) { var service = dnn.controlBar.getService(); var serviceUrl = dnn.controlBar.getServiceUrl(service); $.ajax({ url: serviceUrl + 'AddModule', type: 'POST', data: dataVar, beforeSend: service.setModuleHeaders, success: function (d) { dnn.controlBar.addingModule = false; dnn.dom.setCookie('FadeModuleID', d.TabModuleID); // save status to restore add module panel when page refresh dnn.controlBar.saveStatus(); window.location.href = window.location.href.split('#')[0]; }, error: function (xhr) { dnn.controlBar.addingModule = false; dnn.controlBar.responseError(xhr); } }); }; dnn.controlBar.clearHostCache = function () { var service = dnn.controlBar.getService(); var serviceUrl = dnn.controlBar.getServiceUrl(service); $.ajax({ url: serviceUrl + 'ClearHostCache', type: 'POST', beforeSend: service.setModuleHeaders, success: function () { window.location.href = window.location.href.split('#')[0]; }, error: function (xhr) { dnn.controlBar.responseError(xhr); } }); }; dnn.controlBar.copyPermissionsToChildren = function () { var service = dnn.controlBar.getService(); var serviceUrl = dnn.controlBar.getServiceUrl(service); $.ajax({ url: serviceUrl + 'CopyPermissionsToChildren', type: 'POST', beforeSend: service.setModuleHeaders, success: function () { window.location.href = window.location.href.split('#')[0]; }, error: function (xhr) { dnn.controlBar.responseError(xhr); } }); }; dnn.controlBar.recycleAppPool = function () { var service = dnn.controlBar.getService(); var serviceUrl = dnn.controlBar.getServiceUrl(service); $.ajax({ url: serviceUrl + 'RecycleApplicationPool', type: 'POST', beforeSend: service.setModuleHeaders, success: function () { window.location.href = window.location.href.split('#')[0]; }, error: function (xhr) { dnn.controlBar.responseError(xhr); } }); }; dnn.controlBar.switchSite = function (site) { if (site) { var dataVar = { Site: site }; var service = dnn.controlBar.getService(); var serviceUrl = dnn.controlBar.getServiceUrl(service); $.ajax({ url: serviceUrl + 'SwitchSite', type: 'POST', data: dataVar, beforeSend: service.setModuleHeaders, success: function (d) { if (d && d.RedirectURL) window.location.href = d.RedirectURL; }, error: function (xhr) { dnn.controlBar.responseError(xhr); } }); } }; dnn.controlBar.switchLanguage = function (language) { if (language) { var dataVar = { Language: language }; var service = dnn.controlBar.getService(); var serviceUrl = dnn.controlBar.getServiceUrl(service); $.ajax({ url: serviceUrl + 'SwitchLanguage', type: 'POST', data: dataVar, beforeSend: service.setModuleHeaders, success: function () { window.location.href = window.location.href.split('#')[0]; }, error: function (xhr) { dnn.controlBar.responseError(xhr); } }); } }; dnn.controlBar.popupShareableWarning = function () { $('#shareableWarning').dialog({ autoOpen: true, resizable: false, modal: true, width: '500px', zIndex: 1000, stack: false, title: settings.moduleShareableTitle, dialogClass: 'dnnFormPopup dnnClear', open: function () { }, close: function () { } }); }; dnn.controlBar.hideShareableWarning = function () { $('#shareableWarning').dialog('close'); }; dnn.controlBar.renderModuleList = function (containerId, moduleList) { var container = $(containerId); var scrollContainer = container.next(); var api = scrollContainer.data('jsp'); if (api) { api.scrollToX(0, null); api.destroy(); } scrollContainer = container.next(); // reinit because api destroy... $(containerId).css('overflow', 'hidden'); var ul = $('ul.ControlBar_ModuleList', container); ul.empty().css('left', 1000); var windowWidth = $(window).width(); var margin = Math.round((windowWidth - 980) / 2); $('#ControlBar_Module_ModulePosition').hide(); for (var i = 0; i < moduleList.length; i++) { ul.append('
  • ' + moduleList[i].ModuleName + '
  • '); } var ulWidth = moduleList.length * 110; ul.css('width', ulWidth + 'px'); // some math here var dummyScrollWidth = Math.round((980 * (ulWidth + margin)) / windowWidth); var ulLeft = margin; var oldX = 0; var modulesInitFunc = function () { $('div.controlBar_ModuleListScrollDummy_Content', scrollContainer).css('width', dummyScrollWidth); scrollContainer.jScrollPane(); scrollContainer.bind('jsp-scroll-x', function (e, x, isAtleft, isAtRight) { var xOffset, leftOffset; if (isAtleft) { oldX = 0; ulLeft = margin; } else if (isAtRight) { oldX = Math.round((980 * (ulWidth + margin)) / windowWidth) - 980; ulLeft = -(ulWidth - windowWidth); } else { if (x > oldX) { // scroll to right xOffset = x - oldX; leftOffset = (ulWidth / ((980 * (ulWidth + margin)) / windowWidth)) * xOffset; ulLeft -= Math.abs(leftOffset); } else { // scroll to left xOffset = oldX - x; leftOffset = (ulWidth / ((980 * (ulWidth + margin)) / windowWidth)) * xOffset; ulLeft += Math.abs(leftOffset); } oldX = x; } ul.css('left', ulLeft); }); $('div.ControlBar_ModuleDiv', ul).each(function () { if (!this.id) this.id = 'ControlBar_ModuleDiv_' + $(this).data('module'); }).hover(function () { if (!dnn.controlBar.isMouseDown) { var $this = $(this); var dataModuleId = $this.data('module'); if (dnn.controlBar.selectedModule && dnn.controlBar.selectedModule.data('module') !== dataModuleId) { dnn.controlBar.selectedModule.removeClass('ControlBar_Module_Selected'); } $this.addClass('ControlBar_Module_Selected'); $this.find('div.ModuleLocator_Menu').removeClass('ModuleLocator_Hover'); dnn.controlBar.selectedModule = $this; dnn.controlBar.showSelectedModule = true; var holderId = this.id; var $self = $(this); $self.dnnHelperTip({ helpContent: settings.dragModuleToolTip, holderId: holderId, show: true }); } }, function () { if (!dnn.controlBar.isMouseDown) { dnn.controlBar.showSelectedModule = false; setTimeout(function () { if (!dnn.controlBar.showSelectedModule && dnn.controlBar.selectedModule) { dnn.controlBar.selectedModule.removeClass('ControlBar_Module_Selected'); } }, 600); } $(this).dnnHelperTipDestroy(); }) .mousedown(function () { $('.DNNEmptyPane').each(function () { $(this).removeClass('DNNEmptyPane').addClass('dnnDropEmptyPanes'); }); $('.contentPane').each(function () { // this special code is for you -- IE8 this.className = this.className; }); }) .mouseup(function () { $('.dnnDropEmptyPanes').each(function () { $(this).removeClass('dnnDropEmptyPanes').addClass('DNNEmptyPane'); }); $('.contentPane').each(function () { // this special code is for you -- IE8 this.className = this.className; }); }) .draggable({ dropOnEmpty: true, cursor: 'move', placeholder: "dnnDropTarget", helper: function (event, ui) { var dragTip = $('
    '); //var title = $('span', this).html(); //edit by yyj 娉ㄩ噴 //dragTip.html(title); //$('body').append(dragTip); // destroy tooltip $(this).dnnHelperTipDestroy(); //set data dnn.controlBar.dragdropModule = $(this).data('module'); dnn.controlBar.dragdropPage = $find(settings.pageComboId).get_value(); dnn.controlBar.dragdropVisibility = $find(settings.visibilityComboId).get_value(); dnn.controlBar.dragdropCopyModule = $('#ControlBar_Module_chkCopyModule').get(0).checked; dnn.controlBar.dragdropAddExistingModule = !dnn.controlBar.addNewModule; //edit by yyj 淇敼helper缁撴瀯,璁剧疆妯″潡鏍囬鏁版嵁 //begin var moduleTitle = $("#dnnModuleTitle").val(); dnn.controlBar.dragdropModuleTitle = encodeURIComponent(moduleTitle);//add by yyj 澧炲姞妯″潡鏍囬鏁版嵁 var title = $('span', this).html(); if ($.trim(moduleTitle) != "") { title += "
    鏍囬:" + moduleTitle; } dragTip.html("妯″潡:" + title); $('body').append(dragTip); //edn return dragTip; }, cursorAt: { left: 10, top: 30 }, connectToSortable: '.dnnSortable', stop: function (event, ui) { $('.dnnDropEmptyPanes').each(function () { $(this).removeClass('dnnDropEmptyPanes').addClass('DNNEmptyPane'); }); $('.contentPane').each(function () { // this special code is for you -- IE8 this.className = this.className; }); $('div.actionMenu').show(); }, start: function (event, ui) { $('div.actionMenu').hide(); } }); $('div.ModuleLocator_Menu', ul).hover(function () { var $this = $(this); $this.addClass('ModuleLocator_Hover'); var left = $this.offset().left; dnn.controlBar.hideModuleLocationMenu = false; dnn.controlBar.showSelectedModule = true; $('#ControlBar_Module_ModulePosition') .css({ left: left - 177, top: 135 }) .slideDown('fast', function () { $(this).jScrollPane(); }) .hover(function () { dnn.controlBar.hideModuleLocationMenu = false; dnn.controlBar.showSelectedModule = true; }, function () { dnn.controlBar.hideModuleLocationMenu = true; dnn.controlBar.showSelectedModule = false; setTimeout(function () { if (dnn.controlBar.hideModuleLocationMenu) { $('#ControlBar_Module_ModulePosition').slideUp('fast'); } if (!dnn.controlBar.showSelectedModule && dnn.controlBar.selectedModule) { dnn.controlBar.selectedModule.removeClass('ControlBar_Module_Selected'); } }, 600); }); // hide tooltip $this.parent().dnnHelperTipDestroy(); }, function () { var $this = $(this); dnn.controlBar.showSelectedModule = false; dnn.controlBar.hideModuleLocationMenu = true; setTimeout(function () { if (dnn.controlBar.hideModuleLocationMenu) { $this.removeClass('ModuleLocator_Hover'); $('#ControlBar_Module_ModulePosition').slideUp('fast'); } if (!dnn.controlBar.showSelectedModule && dnn.controlBar.selectedModule) { dnn.controlBar.selectedModule.removeClass('ControlBar_Module_Selected'); } }, 600); }); }; setTimeout(modulesInitFunc, 0); ul.animate({ left: margin }, 300); }; dnn.controlBar.ControlBar_Module_CategoryList_Changed = function (sender, e) { var item = e.get_item(); if (item) { dnn.controlBar.getDesktopModulesForNewModule(item.get_value()); } }; dnn.controlBar.ControlBar_Module_SiteList_Changed = function (sender, e) { var item = e.get_item(); if (item) { dnn.controlBar.getPageList(item.get_value()); } }; dnn.controlBar.ControlBar_Module_PageList_Changed = function (sender, e) { var item = e.get_item(); var visibilityCombo = $find(settings.visibilityComboId); if (item) { var val = item.get_value(); if (val) { dnn.controlBar.getTabModules(item.get_value()); visibilityCombo.enable(); if (dnn.controlBar.status && !dnn.controlBar.status.addNewModule) { visibilityCombo.findItemByValue(dnn.controlBar.status.visibility).select(); } } else { visibilityCombo.disable(); } } }; //attach mouse move to detect mouse button $(document).mousedown(function () { dnn.controlBar.isMouseDown = true; }); $(document).mouseup(function () { dnn.controlBar.isMouseDown = false; }); var currentUserMode = settings.currentUserMode; $('div.subNav').hide(); $("#ControlNav li").hoverIntent({ over: function () { $('.onActionMenu').removeClass('onActionMenu'); toggleModulePane($('.ControlModulePanel'), false); $(this).addClass("hover"); $(this).find('div.subNav').slideDown(300); }, out: function () { if (!dnn.controlBar.focused) { $(this).removeClass("hover"); $(this).find('div.subNav').slideUp(200); } }, timeout: 300, interval: 150 }); $('#ControlActionMenu > li').hoverIntent({ over: function () { $('.onActionMenu').removeClass('onActionMenu'); toggleModulePane($('.ControlModulePanel'), false); $(this).find('ul').slideDown(200); }, out: function () { $(this).find('ul').slideUp(150); }, timeout: 300, interval: 150 }); $('ul#ControlEditPageMenu > li').hoverIntent({ over: function () { $('.onActionMenu').removeClass('onActionMenu'); toggleModulePane($('.ControlModulePanel'), false); $(this).find('ul').slideDown(400); }, out: function () { $(this).find('ul').slideUp(300); }, timeout: 300, interval: 150 }); //Handling the Advanced Subnav Toggling $(".subNavToggle li a").click(function (event) { var ul = $(this).closest('ul'); var divSubNav = ul.parent(); if (!($(this).parent('li').hasClass('active'))) { // Handling the toggle states $('li', ul).removeClass('active'); $(this).parent('li').addClass('active'); // Handling the respective subnavs var anchorTarget = $(this).attr('href'); $('dl', divSubNav).hide(); $(anchorTarget).show(); } return false; }); $('#controlBar_AddNewModule').click(function () { if (currentUserMode !== 'EDIT') { var service = dnn.controlBar.getService(); var serviceUrl = dnn.controlBar.getServiceUrl(service); $.ajax({ url: serviceUrl + 'ToggleUserMode', type: 'POST', data: { UserMode: 'EDIT' }, beforeSend: service.setModuleHeaders, success: function () { dnn.dom.setCookie('ControlBarInit', 'AddNewModule'); window.location.href = window.location.href.split('#')[0]; }, error: function (xhr) { dnn.controlBar.responseError(xhr); } }); return false; } var category = null; if (dnn.controlBar.status && dnn.controlBar.status.addNewModule) { var selectedCategory = dnn.controlBar.status.category; if (selectedCategory) { $find(settings.categoryComboId).findItemByValue(selectedCategory).select(); category = selectedCategory; dnn.controlBar.removeStatus(); } } else { category = $find(settings.categoryComboId).get_value(); } dnn.controlBar.getDesktopModulesForNewModule(category); dnn.controlBar.addNewModule = true; toggleModulePane($('#ControlBar_Module_AddNewModule'), true); $('#ControlBar_Action_Menu').addClass('onActionMenu'); $('#ControlBar_ModuleListMessage_NewModule').hide(); return false; }); $('#controlBar_AddExistingModule').click(function () { if (currentUserMode !== 'EDIT') { var service = dnn.controlBar.getService(); var serviceUrl = dnn.controlBar.getServiceUrl(service); $.ajax({ url: serviceUrl + 'ToggleUserMode', type: 'POST', data: { UserMode: 'EDIT' }, beforeSend: service.setModuleHeaders, success: function () { dnn.dom.setCookie('ControlBarInit', 'AddExistingModule'); window.location.href = window.location.href.split('#')[0]; }, error: function (xhr) { dnn.controlBar.responseError(xhr); } }); return false; } var portal = null; if (dnn.controlBar.status && !dnn.controlBar.status.addNewModule) { var selectedPortal = dnn.controlBar.status.site; if (selectedPortal) { $find(settings.portalComboId).findItemByValue(selectedPortal).select(); portal = selectedPortal; } } else { portal = $find(settings.portalComboId).get_value(); } // check portal combobox has only one item or not var portals = $find(settings.portalComboId).get_items(); var portalsCount = portals.get_count(); var hidePortalCombo = portalsCount < 3; if (hidePortalCombo) { // only one portal available $('#ControlBar_SiteList > table').hide(); if (!portal) { // portal not selected, select default one portal = portals.getItem(1).get_value(); } } dnn.controlBar.getPageList(portal); dnn.controlBar.addNewModule = false; toggleModulePane($('#ControlBar_Module_AddExistingModule'), true); $('#ControlBar_Action_Menu').addClass('onActionMenu'); var messageContainer = $('#ControlBar_ModuleListMessage_ExistingModule'); var loadingContainer = messageContainer.next(); var listContainer = loadingContainer.next(); var scrollContainer = listContainer.next(); messageContainer.show(); loadingContainer.hide(); listContainer.hide(); scrollContainer.hide(); $('p.ControlBar_ModuleListMessage_InitialMessage', messageContainer).show(); $('p.ControlBar_ModuleListMessage_NoResultMessage', messageContainer).hide(); return false; }); $('#ControlBar_Module_ModulePosition > li').click(function () { if (dnn.controlBar.addingModule) return false; dnn.controlBar.addingModule = true; var module = dnn.controlBar.selectedModule; var page = $find(settings.pageComboId).get_value(); var pane = $(this).data('pane'); var position = $(this).data('position'); var visibility = $find(settings.visibilityComboId).get_value(); var copyModule = $('#ControlBar_Module_chkCopyModule').get(0).checked; var addExistingModule = !dnn.controlBar.addNewModule; var moduleTitle = encodeURIComponent($("#dnnModuleTitle").val()) + '';//add by yyj dnn.controlBar.addModule(module.data('module') + '', page, pane, position, '-1', visibility, addExistingModule + '', copyModule + '', moduleTitle);//edit by yyj 娣诲姞妯″潡鏍囬 return false; }); $('#controlBar_ClearCache').click(function () { dnn.controlBar.clearHostCache(); return false; }); $('#controlBar_RecycleAppPool').click(function () { dnn.controlBar.recycleAppPool(); return false; }); $('a#controlBar_CopyPermissionsToChildren').dnnConfirm({ text: settings.copyPermissionsToChildrenText, yesText: settings.yesText, noText: settings.noText, title: settings.titleText, callbackTrue: function () { dnn.controlBar.copyPermissionsToChildren(); } }); $('#controlBar_SwitchSite, #controlBar_SwitchLanguage').focus(function (e) { dnn.controlBar.focused = true; }).change(function (e) { dnn.controlBar.focused = false; }).blur(function (e) { dnn.controlBar.focused = false; }).click(function (e) { dnn.controlBar.focused = true; }); $('#controlBar_SwitchSiteButton').click(function () { var site = $('#controlBar_SwitchSite').val(); dnn.controlBar.switchSite(site); return false; }); $('#controlBar_SwitchLanguageButton').click(function () { var language = $('#controlBar_SwitchLanguage').val(); dnn.controlBar.switchLanguage(language); return false; }); var toggleModulePane = function (pane, show) { if (show) { pane.animate({ height: 'show' }, 100, function () { $('#Form').addClass("showModulePane"); $(window).resize(); }); } else { pane.animate({ height: 'hide' }, 100, function () { $('#Form').removeClass("showModulePane"); $(window).resize(); }); } }; // generate url and popup $('a.ControlBar_PopupLink').click(function () { var href = $(this).attr('href'); //if (href) { // dnnModal.show(href + '?popUp=true', true, 550, 950, true, ''); dnnModalShow(href);//add by ying //} return false; }); $('a.ControlBar_PopupLink_EditMode').click(function () { var service = dnn.controlBar.getService(); var serviceUrl = dnn.controlBar.getServiceUrl(service); var that = this; if (currentUserMode !== 'EDIT') { var mode = 'EDIT'; $.ajax({ url: serviceUrl + 'ToggleUserMode', type: 'POST', data: { UserMode: mode }, beforeSend: service.setModuleHeaders, success: function () { // then popup var href = $(that).attr('href'); //if (href) { // dnnModal.show(href + '?popUp=true', true, 550, 950, true, ''); //} dnnModalShow(href); }, error: function (xhr) { dnn.controlBar.responseError(xhr); } }); } else { var href = $(that).attr('href'); //if (href) { // dnnModal.show(href + '?popUp=true', true, 550, 950, true, ''); //} dnnModalShow(href);//add by ying } return false; }); $('a#ControlBar_DeletePage').dnnConfirm({ text: settings.deleteText, yesText: settings.yesText, noText: settings.noText, title: settings.titleText }); $('a#shareableWarning_cmdConfirm').click(function () { dnn.controlBar.hideShareableWarning(); if (dnn.controlBar.addModuleDataVar) { dnn.controlBar.doAddModule(dnn.controlBar.addModuleDataVar); } dnn.controlBar.addModuleDataVar = null; dnn.controlBar.addingModule = false; return false; }); $('a#shareableWarning_cmdCancel').click(function () { dnn.controlBar.hideShareableWarning(); dnn.controlBar.addModuleDataVar = null; dnn.controlBar.addingModule = false; return false; }); $('a#ControlBar_EditPage').click(function () { var service = dnn.controlBar.getService(); var serviceUrl = dnn.controlBar.getServiceUrl(service); var mode = currentUserMode === 'EDIT' ? 'VIEW' : 'EDIT'; $.ajax({ url: serviceUrl + 'ToggleUserMode', type: 'POST', data: { UserMode: mode }, beforeSend: service.setModuleHeaders, success: function () { if (mode == 'EDIT') { dnn.dom.setCookie('StayInEditMode', 'YES'); } else { dnn.dom.setCookie('StayInEditMode', 'NO'); } window.location.href = window.location.href.split('#')[0]; }, error: function (xhr) { dnn.controlBar.responseError(xhr); } }); return false; }); $('#ControlBar_StayInEditMode').change(function () { var mode = this.checked ? "YES" : "NO"; if (this.checked) { // disable view in layout mode $('#ControlBar_ViewInLayout').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } else { $('#ControlBar_ViewInLayout').removeAttr('disabled'); } dnn.dom.setCookie('StayInEditMode', mode); }).change(); $('#ControlBar_ViewInLayout').change(function () { if (this.disabled) return; var mode = this.checked ? "LAYOUT" : "VIEW"; var service = dnn.controlBar.getService(); var serviceUrl = dnn.controlBar.getServiceUrl(service); $.ajax({ url: serviceUrl + 'ToggleUserMode', type: 'POST', data: { UserMode: mode }, beforeSend: service.setModuleHeaders, success: function () { window.location.href = window.location.href; }, error: function (xhr) { dnn.controlBar.responseError(xhr); } }); }); $('a.bookmark').live('click', function () { var $this = $(this); if ($this.hasClass('hideBookmark')) return false; var wrapper = $this.closest('dl'); var title = wrapper.attr('id').indexOf('host') > 0 ? 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